Peaking Focus Assist
The Peaking Filter is used to aid the camera operator in obtaining the sharpest possible picture. When activated, the internal processor will display a colored highlight on the screen where sharp edges appear. It's shows Red highlight over parts of the monochrome image in focus.
Brightness Histogram
The Brightness Histogram is a quantitative tool to check the picture brightness.The feature shows the distribution of brightness in an image as graph of brightness along the horizontal axis (Left:Dark, Right:Bright) and a stack of the number of pixels at each level of brightness along the vertical axis.
Embedded Audio Monitoring
The Audio Level Meters provide numerical indicators and headroom levels. It can generate accurate audio level displays to prevent errors during monitoring. The audio meter is green, and will turn yellow when exceeds -20dB, and turn red when exceeds -9dB.
False Colors
The False Color filter is used to aid in the setting of camera exposure. As the camera Iris is adjusted, elements of the image will change color based on the luminance or brightness values. This enables proper exposure to be achieved without the use of costly, complicated external test equipment.
Exposure (zebras)
The Exposure is used to assist in exposure adjustment in the mode of Zebra Pattern, it is considered overexposed and displays the moving warning lines onto the over exposed areas.
Check Field
Check Field is an assistant function to adjust camera color settings. Under the check field mode, you can use red, green, blue or mono pixels to generate the image, because hue and saturation can be adjusted more quickly and accurately in this environment.
Camera Mode Function
It will be full screen under camera mode.
Pixel to Pixel
Enable the filmmaker to check the image from the 1:1 signal source without scaling. This feature is essential for capturing optimum detail.
Squared Segmentation
Zoom one of the images to realize the full screen.

Center Marker & Safe Marker
Safe Mark for View Finding and Composition (80%, 85%, 90%, 93%, 96%,2.35:1)
Image Flip
The Horizontal, Vertical and Hor&Ver of the image around flip.